Castle Calibration
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Multi-Function Calibration and Servicing

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SKU Brand Name Price Add
AMI300 KIMO Multifunction Instrument £90.00
AMI310 KIMO Multifunction Instrument £90.00
ET-965 ATP 5 in 1 Environment Meter £90.00
AVM-8000 ATP 4 in 1 Environment Anenometer £90.00
DT-22 ATP 4 in 1 Multi-Function Environment Meter £90.00
PT-5035 ATP 4 in 1 Environment Meter £90.00
5000 Kestrel Pocket Environmental Meter £90.00
4000 Kestrel Pocket Environmental Meter £90.00
3500 Kestrel Pocket Weather Meter £90.00
Band Name Price
EN1 Multi-Function/Environment Meter £90.00

Or call and speak to one of our service and calibration engineers who will be happy to help 01723 584250

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